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Changing Silicone Tip SizeUpdated 3 months ago

Changing Silicone Tip Size

Each Sleepbud® and silicone tip is marked with either an L or an R. Make sure to insert the left Sleepbud® into the left silicone tip and the right Sleepbud® into the right silicone tip. 

Remove Silicone Tip

Holding the base of the attached silicone tip, peel the tip back and gently slide the Sleepbud® out of the tip.

Replace Silicone Tip

Push the nozzle into the new silicone tip. Gently stretch the base of the tip around the back of the Sleepbud® to hold the Sleepbud® in place.

Check Orientation

Make sure that the Sleepbud® is correctly oriented in the silicone tip. The Ozlo logo on the Sleepbud® should face outwards, and both charging contacts should be visible through the back of the tip.

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