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Case doesn't chargeUpdated 3 months ago

If your Smart Charging Case doesn't charge, please try the following steps. We recommend you go through these options in order. Often the first item will resolve the issue, if it doesn't, continue to the next one, etc.

1. Secure both ends of the USB cable to the back of the Smart Charging Case and the USB-A to the power supply.

2. Connect the same USB- A cable to a different USB power supply.

3. Use a different USB cable using the same power supply.

4. Connect to a different (AC) main power source (Wall Outlet).

5. Check the Smart Charging Case battery lights- the middle 5 LEDs should either be all lit up, or the furthest right LED should be flashing to indicate charging.

6. If the Sleepbuds or the Smart Charging Case have been exposed to high or low temperatures, let the Sleepbuds return to room temperature.

7. Check to make sure the USB- A cable and charger are plugged into a Wall Outlet. Some USB chargers, like USB ports on computers or other devices, might not output adequate power to charge the Smart Charging Case.

8. Try charging again.

9. Reboot your Smart Charging Case by simply closing the lid with your Sleepbuds inside and waiting 30 seconds. 

If these steps didn't help, please reach out to us at [email protected], and we'll be happy to troubleshoot with you! 

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