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Alarm Not Sounding or Triggering at the Correct TimeUpdated 3 months ago

If your alarm does not sound, please try the following steps. We recommend you go through these options in order. Often the first item will resolve the issue, if it doesn't, continue to the next one, etc.

1. Recreate the Alarm

  • Delete the old alarm from the Ozlo Sleep App.
  • Create a new alarm.

2. Wait until the lights stabilize before taking out your Sleepbuds®.  

After opening the lid on your Sleepbuds®, you will notice the lights blink rapidly at first. Wait for about 10 seconds until the blinking lights transition to a smoother pattern [if charging] or steady lights. After it transitions to the new pattern [smooth blinking or steady], you can then take out and use the Sleepbuds. These steps will ensure that the buds, case, and your phone are properly synced. These steps should help sync the alarms to your phone. 

You may check out this video for the Sleepbuds® Light Patterns

3. Reboot your Smart Charging Case by simply closing the lid with your Sleepbuds inside and waiting 30 seconds. 

4. Using the case on Power Saving or Bluetooth Disabled mode increases the reliability of alarms.

If these steps didn't help, please reach out to us at [email protected], and we'll be happy to troubleshoot with you!

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