Ozlo Sleep Help Center - Australia logo
Ozlo Sleep Help Center - Australia logo

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App, Settings and Playback

Where do I download the iOS or Android app?

You may check out the app page on our website for the download links. Alternatively, you may also search for "OZLO Sleep App" directly from the App Store (iOS) or Google Play (Android)

Can I control my Sleepbuds® without the iOS or Android apps?

Yes. We offer the ability to control your Sleepbuds settings through the web app, which is currently in beta.

Auto-play isn't working

This is usually caused by taking the Sleepbuds out too quickly from the case. In general, youll have a better experience with Sleepbuds in all modes and use cases right now if you wait until the LEDs are slowly blinking before taking them out of...

OZLO Sleep App is not responding

If your OZLO Sleep App is not responding, please try the following steps. We recommend you go through these options in order. Often the first item will resolve the issue, if it doesn't, continue to the next one, etc. 1. Force Stop the OZLO Sleep App.

Alarm Not Sounding or Triggering at the Correct Time

If your alarm does not sound, please try the following steps. We recommend you go through these options in order. Often the first item will resolve the issue, if it doesn't, continue to the next one, etc. 1. Recreate the Alarm. 2. Wait until the ligh

Unable to login to the OZLO Sleep App

We currently don't require a login for users to access the Ozlo Sleep App but If you're having trouble logging in, please try the following steps. We recommend you go through these options in order. Often the first item will resolve the issue, if it