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Ozlo Sleep Help Center - Australia logo

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User Guide

The user guide is where you can find comprehensive instructions and tips on using your OZLO Sleepbuds. https://d1sqdqxcv5ki20.cloudfront.net/images/OzloUserManual_Final.pdf Note: We are in the process of updating the guide with new information...

Help Videos

Most problems you encounter with Sleepbuds can be fixed by resetting your Smart Case or Sleepbuds or both. These support videos show you how to do that and more. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLo5I9n_ozHI78Mh5rONGilhnvpBcCoWqw Source:...

Sleepbuds® Updater

This is the official web app to update your Sleepbuds (which can also be directly done through the iOS and Android apps) http://update.ozlosleep.com Source: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kZ766o0Np8SlJuXvjlGLDm4FGHqZIyCniA8AIBw7vCs/edit

Beta Portal

The beta portal gives you access to the latest beta firmware to test, along with the ability to control your Sleepbuds settings without an iOS or Android device. http://beta.ozlosleep.com Source:...